EIRB - Emergency Incident Record Book© Usage guidelines
- The EIRB© can be used for any large scale or Major Incident (MI).
- The EIRB© will be a record of several, even many, individuals who might carry out the role over a period of time.
- If for a large scale incident, the EIRB© will be a record for an incident manager during the period of the incident. Several managers performing the same role might use the same EIRB© during a Major Incident, particularly if the incident lasts over a protracted period of time.
- An Incident Control Team from an organisation should ensure that each incident team member has their own EIRB©.
- In organisations like hospital trusts, action card holders would fill in their EIRB©s during an incident. All Emergency Log Books© and EIRB©s used during an incident would, together, form the organisational record of the incident.
- The entry number (sequentially from 1 – n) can be used to mark any other document which relates to that entry, emails, phone messages or other documents. This enables a subsequent analysis to be accurately carried out.
- If one book used for a role or incident is used up, the sequel book should start with the n+1 entry number and the number of the sequel incident book identified on the last page of the first incident book.
- All entries should be initialed to ensure an accurate and complete record. The book can be filled in by a “loggist” or administrative assistant, but the role holder or incident manager must initial each entry to signify that it accurately reflects the information received and action taken. If a senior officer/manager should inspect any EIRB© he/she should make an entry in the book and leave a signature and initial on the appropriate page.
- The EIRB© will form part of the organisation’s record of a role holders/incident manager’s information received and action taken. It should be securely held for a minimum of 7 years after the end of the incident with all other EIRB©s, Emergency Log Books© and other records. The unique number of the books will enable any specific EIRB© and/or Emergency Log Book© to be retrieved from storage for information about an individual’s, role holder’s, incident manager’s or organisational actions during the period in question.
Anyone logging a period of duty or an incident should also follow these best practice guidelines.