• EDIS - Redefining the "Gold Standard" in Emergency Response, Track & Trace for the 21st Century
  • Patient Evacuation System - deployed by The Royal Free Hospital London NHS Foundation Trust
  • Our products help to save lives and reputation
  • The Recognised international standard in Evidence Documentation
  • Our products are extensively used by medical/paramedical staff in the UK and around the globe
  • Our products were used during the 7/7/2005 London bombings in addition to many other major emergencies
  • The "Cruciform"® System has now been adapted for North American and Canadian medical practices

Innovative Documentation Systems that Save Lives


Welcome to CWC Services, developers of a range of innovative documentation systems. We have been developing evidentially sound documentation systems to address real needs for over thirty years. The systems we have developed are being used in many countries and by hundreds of organisations.

We are continually developing new and improving existing products. Follow us on twitter, subscribe to our news feed, or use our This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to keep informed of developments at CWC.

If you think we have systems or products that could be suited to your particular needs, please contact us. We may be able to help and we're always interested in talking.

If our products are not exactly what you need, we can develop a new product or amend our existing documentation systems to suit your requirements.


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